
Exploring the Icons and Banners of ARK: Survival Evolved (2017)


ARK: Survival Evolved is a popular survival game released in 2017 by Studio Wildcard. In this game, players find themselves stranded on a mysterious island filled with prehistoric creatures and must use their wits, skills, and creativity to survive. The visual aspects of the game, including its icons and banners, play a significant role in shaping the player’s experience. This article will delve into the various icons and banners associated with ARK: Survival Evolved, examining their design, significance, and impact on the game’s identity.

The Evolution of ARK Icons

Icon Design Philosophy

Icons in ARK: Survival Evolved serve as both functional elements and visual identifiers. They are designed to encapsulate the essence of various game mechanics, features, and items. The design philosophy behind these icons often revolves around clarity and thematic representation. Each icon is crafted to provide immediate recognition and understanding of its associated function or item, enhancing the player’s experience by making the interface intuitive and engaging.

Core Game Icons

1. Survival Inventory Icons

The inventory system in ARK is central to gameplay, and the icons representing various items are designed with detailed imagery to reflect their real-world counterparts. For example, the icon for a “Wooden Club” features a stylized wooden club with clear, recognizable features. This approach helps players quickly identify and differentiate items during the heat of gameplay.

2. Crafting and Building Icons

Crafting and building are crucial components of ARK, and the icons used in these systems are equally detailed. These icons often feature miniature representations of the items being crafted or the structures being built. The “Stone Wall” icon, for instance, portrays a textured stone surface, giving players a visual cue about the material and structure they are working with.

3. Creature and Taming Icons

Creatures and taming are central to the gameplay in ARK. Icons representing various dinosaurs and other creatures are designed to reflect their distinct characteristics. The “Raptor” icon, for example, shows the predator in a dynamic pose, capturing its aggressive nature. Taming-related icons, such as the “Tranquilizer Arrow,” include visual elements that indicate their purpose and usage.

The Role of Icons in User Interface

Icons play a crucial role in the user interface (UI) of ARK: Survival Evolved. They help streamline the player’s interaction with the game by providing quick access to essential functions and information. The clarity and effectiveness of these icons can significantly impact the overall gaming experience, as they facilitate smooth navigation and decision-making within the game’s complex systems.

The Impact of ARK Banners

Banner Design and Aesthetic

Banners in ARK: Survival Evolved serve both decorative and functional purposes. They are used to represent tribes, alliances, and various in-game events. The design of these banners is often elaborate and reflective of the game’s prehistoric and survival themes. The use of vibrant colors and distinctive symbols helps to create a strong visual identity for tribes and alliances, enhancing the sense of immersion and community.

Tribe Banners

Tribe banners are customizable flags that represent player tribes within the game. These banners often feature unique designs created by players, allowing for personal expression and tribal identity. The design elements of these banners can range from simple geometric patterns to intricate artwork, reflecting the creativity and individuality of each tribe. The ability to customize these banners adds a layer of personalization and helps tribes establish a distinct presence in the game world.

Event Banners

ARK often hosts in-game events and special occasions, and banners play a key role in promoting these events. Event banners are typically designed with thematic elements related to the event, such as seasonal motifs or special creature appearances. These banners are prominently displayed in-game and on official ARK channels, helping to generate excitement and engage the player community.

Promotional Banners

Promotional banners are used for marketing purposes and often appear on official websites, social media platforms, and other promotional materials. These banners are designed to capture attention and highlight key aspects of the game, such as new updates, expansions, or special offers. The design of promotional banners is typically eye-catching and focused on showcasing the most appealing features of the game.

The Intersection of Icons and Banners

Visual Consistency and Branding

Both icons and banners contribute to the overall branding of ARK: Survival Evolved. Maintaining visual consistency across these elements helps to create a cohesive and recognizable identity for the game. This consistency is crucial for brand recognition and player engagement, as it reinforces the game’s themes and aesthetics.

Enhancing Player Experience

The thoughtful design of icons and banners enhances the player experience by providing clear and engaging visual cues. Icons help players navigate the game’s complex systems, while banners contribute to the game’s atmosphere and community engagement. Together, these elements create a more immersive and enjoyable gaming experience.

Community and Engagement

Icons and banners also play a role in fostering community and engagement within ARK. Customizable tribe banners allow players to express their individuality and build a sense of belonging, while event and promotional banners keep players informed and excited about new content and updates. This interaction between visual elements and community engagement helps to build a vibrant and active player base.


The icons and banners of ARK: Survival Evolved are more than just visual elements; they are integral to the game’s identity and player experience. Through thoughtful design and strategic use, these elements enhance gameplay, support branding, and foster community engagement. Whether representing items, creatures, or player tribes, the icons and banners of ARK contribute to the immersive and dynamic world that has captivated players since its release in 2017. As the game continues to evolve, these visual elements will remain a key part of its enduring appeal and success.

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